
Professor Iqbal M Mujtaba

Iqbal M. Mujtaba is a Professor of Computational Process Engineering and is the Associate Dean (Learning, Teaching & Quality). He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE) and a Chartered Chemical Engineer. He is currently an executive member of (a) IChemE Computer Aided Process Engineering Subject Group (Secretary 2000-2010; Chair 2015 - 2019), (b) the European Committee for Computers in Chemical Engineering Education (Secretary 2007-2010; Chair 2010-2013) and (c) Chair of BUET Chemical Engineering Forum, Bangladesh (2016-). He was the Head of the School of Engineering from 2016-2018. He led the Mechanical and Process Engineering research group in the School of Engineering from 2010-2014. Professor Mujtaba was the member of the University Senate from 2002-2010, then 2018- and was members of a number of committees including University Equality & Diversity committee, University Research Degree committee (Deputy Chair), School Board and School Executive Committee, School HR committee (Chair). He is currently the Associate Editor for South African Journal for Chemical Engineering, Editorial Board Member for Processes (Open access journal), Energies (Open access journal), Desalination Journal, Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, Discover Chemical Engineering (open access).